viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010


Flyer for Darkness Shade Records

I don't really know what to add. It was a request from this underground label, so the inspiration was exclusively in follow the notes which told me the contact person, and, OF COURSE, my delight in drawing zombies and rotten people. The more I draw 'em, the more I love'em.
So the only thing I can include in this update (to finish my stupid -and habitual- thoughts) is the playlist of these last days (which also helped me to work more entertaining).
Here we go (in any order):

PUTRID - Morbid Awakening
ELECTRIC WIZARD - Witchcult Today
HOODED MENACE - Fulfill the Curse
SWALLOWED - Epitaph of Nauseation
MORNE - Untold Wait
PAGAN ALTAR - Mythical & Magical
BASTARDATOR - Identify the Dead
DISKORD - Doomscapes
VASAELETH - Adorned and Iridescent
GOATVOMIT - Chapel of the Winds of Belial
AXEGRINDER - The Rise of the Serpent Men
BUZZCOCKS - A Different Kind of Tension
ASCENDED - Temple of Dark Offerings

...and that's all folks.

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