miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010


...from holidays.
I've been some days up in the mountains, hiking and visiting some places. And as every vacation-time, I started a new notebook, a kind of travelogue where to dump some ideas/sketches. This is what popped up being in an almost isolated cabin (WARNING: shitty pics from a shitty cellphone):

Entrails, blood, disfigured tits...this is the first thing I did when I started the notebook. Evocative as hell, as you can see.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic's last training (with FC Barcelona). A little homage to one of the best football players in the World. Maybe someday I'll write some words telling my opinion about the treatment the club gave to this player. It could be titled as 'Philosophical Revolt' (good song from Solefald, btw).

The Aizkolari Revenge! Don't you know what an Aizkolari is? Check this video:

Basque Country: you have to love'em.

Abbath. Fuck the Sun. A total classic.

Countess Bathory. Or something with big boobs and blood. Another classic.

Nocturno Culto and Fenriz. It's not a classic (at least in my drawings) but it's right to draw'em if you are addicted to the song 'I am the graves of the 80s', which is my case.

And for now, that's all. Too much sketches considering that I was on holidays. Tomorrow it's time to get back to the routine and tattoo some people. Awww.

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